Enhance Healthcare Through Design

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.

                          Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs

Do We Really Need To?


SCRAMâ„¢ (Structured CRitical Airway Management) is an innovative solution for enhancing the performance of emergency airway management.

Systemisation, standardisation, cognitive offloading, human factors and good governance are core principles to the design and philosophy of SCRAM™. Whereas most other manufacturers focus on the storage and transportation of equipment.

"Used by high performance teams in both the pre-hospital and hospital environments"

Airway, Enhance Healthcare, Emergency Airway, Kit Dump, SCRAM airway bag

New Projects

The good news is that the SCRAMâ„¢ portfolio is expanding! New products and new designs Coming SOON!

Collaborating and Partnering

Collaborating and partnering with clinicians in critical care and resuscitation. On new ideas, designs and research to enhance healthcare through design both locally and internationally.