
“Promoting Safe, well-governed PAEDIATRIC Airway Management”

Paediatric SCRAM™ Line

Following the success of the Adult SCRAM™ there has been strong demand from the community for a Paediatric version of SCRAM™. This however, comes with different challenges because one needs to take into account the broader size range of equipment required to cover the paediatric body size spectrum, ranging from around 3kg at birth to 50kg at adolescence, and at the same time have an optimal ergonomic design that improves task utilisation of equipment. Paul Swinton, Dr Jon McCormack and Neil Sinclair undertook this challenge to invent a paediatric version of SCRAM. Using the same philosophy and principles that were used in the successful, Adult SCRAM™ and tailoring them to the specific requirements of Paediatric airway management, they have developed the Paediatric SCRAM line. Designed to enhance the performance of Paediatric airway management by reducing the time to intervention, reducing error and cognitive load. 

Prevent Cross-Contamination

|“Wipe Down”

SCRAM™ is made from micrAgard™ wipe clean durable anti-bacterial, anti-microbial material. This along with the durable anti-microbial webbing and the anti-microbial hook and loop help to prevent cross-contamination.

“Facilitating airway planning by reducing the time to intervention, reducing error, standardising practice and promoting good governance.”

Two Versions

Paediatric SCRAM™ (Hospital / Retrieval)

Performing an emergency paediatric RSI out with the operating theatre environment is an extremely rare event. This may be necessitated by the sudden arrival of a critically injured child in the the ED resus room, a medical collapse on a ward, or acute unexpected deterioration during diagnostic or therapeutic interventions. At present many of these areas have standard “resus trolley”, however, there is recognition than many rotating junior medical staff, and nursing staff who rarely encounter this procedure, are unfamiliar with the equipment needed, the sequence of events and the need for a standardised approach.

Paediatric SCRAM™ within these areas would provide a structured and standardised equipment process which would allow bandwidth offloading for staff already under considerable cognitive pressure.

Paediatric SCRAM enhances the performance of paediatric emergency airway management


PaedEMS SCRAM™ is designed to be a compact Paediatric Emergency Airway Bag that provides a structured reproducible approach to PAEDIATRIC airway management.

The design rationalises a selection of equipment that will encompass the entire neonatal to adolescent age range, and lay this out in an easy-to-orientate age range manner. 

Forming a system of advanced preparation and organisation of equipment, allowing bandwidth offloading for staff already under considerable cognitive pressure, and facilitate airway planning by reducing the time to intervention, reducing error, standardising practice and promoting good governance.


|“SCRAM™ seamlessly integrates into any airway management strategy”

OpenHouse Products -
Manufacture and Distributor

Openhouse products are the manufactures SCRAM™ work with Scottish Health Innovations Ltd. (SHIL) and the inventors to bring you SCRAM™. Openhouse of have a reputation for high quality craftsmanship with 30 years experience manufacturing bespoke textile products for medical teams around the world.

The Resus Tailor -
USA Distributor

The Resuscitation Tailor is the US distributor for SCRAM™ and the full range of Openhouse Products including, standard line, and bespoke options.